"Some people plant in the spring and
leave in the summer. If you've signed
up for a season, see it through!"
-- Jim Rohn
This Week's Sponsor:
April Special from Freeze Dry Guy
Mountain House Freeze Dried
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The Prepper Shaker: Simplify Your Life!
The essence of prepping is simplicity. If the doing of it seems too complicated, then you're doing it wrong! It's time to look at things from a new perspective.
How to Simplify Your Life
From the Funny Farm: Noah Kidding!!!
Q: Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?
A: Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation.
Q: The top story of the ark had windows to let light in, but how did Noah get light to the bottom two stories?
A: Wadda 'ya think? He used floodlights!
Q: Where did Noah keep the bees?
A: In the Ark-hives, of course.
Unfortunately, the woodpeckers got out!
Prep Talk: Pull out all the stops!
- Make an extraordinarily good first impression so that people remember
you in a positive way.
- Render extraordinary service. Go the extra mile. Do more than is asked.
That alone will set you apart from the rest of the crowd.
- Be extraordinarily prompt. Arrive 15-20 minutes early for appointments
and meetings. Answer your email and voicemail with extraordinary speed.
Watch your prospects turn into extraordinarily loyal customers as a result.
- Show extraordinary courtesy. Good manners, soft speech and kind words
are in all too short supply nowadays. Let everyone know you have more
than enough to go around for all.
- Give extraordinary praise and thanks for all you receive.
Be extraordinarily diligent in sending a personal "thank you" to each and every person who does you a good turn,
no matter how small. Make an extraordinary donation to your church or favorite charity.
Keep an attitude of gratitude about you and you'll find yourself working more
"in the zone" where you function at extraordinary levels of energy to produce
extraordinary results in extraordinarily short periods of time.
Practice these 5 things every day, every hour, every minute until they become a habit, and you'll be unstoppable!
Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor
Parting Shot: Be careful where you nap!
Keep on...preppin'!
* * * * *
The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition.
Editor: Sharon Iezzi
Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email
More free info at doctorprepper.com
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