Monday, May 3, 2010

My Gosh! Who Ordered Squash?

"It is not all bad, this getting old, ripening.
After the fruit has got its growth it should
juice up and mellow. God forbid I should
live long enough to ferment and rot and
fall to the ground in a squash."

Josh Billings (1818-1885)
American Humorist

This Week's Sponsor:

May Special from Freeze Dry Guy

Freeze Dried Foods, Heirloom Seeds, Dehydrated Foods 25% off all #10 cans!

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New! Non-GMO heirloom seeds.Quantities limited. Order yours today! CLICK HERE.

Hurry! Offer ends May 31, 2010.

The Prepper Shaker: Getting Back to Basics

Concerned about the economy? I certainly am!

It's time to get back to the basics. Yes, you know that, but perhaps you just need a reminder...

The great football legend, Vince Lombardi, on the first day of training camp would gather his tough, burly, seasoned football pros in a meeting, hold up a football and say, “Gentleman, this is a football.”

Getting back to basics means addressing your needs and the needs of your family, and examining what you need to do to be prepared for even worse conditions that are surely coming in the near future. It means getting your mind off all the "doom and gloom" and focusing on taking positive ACTION:

  • Recognize Reality––It’s time for some serious, no-holds-barred analysis of where you are in your personal and family preparedness.
  • Listen To Your Inner Self––Find out where you are in need of preparedness and how you can resolve the situation.
  • Devise Realistic Plans––Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Set attainable goals. Be realistic in your planning––financial as well as your other plans. Then, be diligent and persistent to reach your realistic goals.
  • Realize that preparedness is normal––and laudable. Optimize your budget now to include extra provisions for your family.

During WWII the popular song, "Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative..." was the mantra of an embattled nation. That advice is just as relevant today when considering your choices of what to do with your limited resources.

There's no better time than RIGHT NOW to make preparedness for yourself and your family your first priority.

It's as simple as that!

--Doctor Prepper

From the Funny Farm: Redneck Motorcycle

Its a cow-a-sock-ee!

Prep Talk: The Dark Side of Zucchini Prosperity

Do you like zucchini? I do, especially when it's fried in olive oil or mixed in with in other yummie veggies in one of my favorite Italian dishes.

Anyone who has successfully grown zucchini will tell you that that healthy zucchini plants are extremely prolific. Once they start producing they can easily overwhelm you with their bounty. Yes indeed: zucchini prosperity is such sweet bliss...especially if you have lots of friends with which to share it!

Did you know, though, that zucchini is susceptible to a fatal disease that can topple a seemingly healthy plant in just one day? It's called "root rot."

We all know that zucchini plants, like people, can die of dehydration (not enough water) in just a few days. Drought is a known killer--a disease of prolonged insufficiency.

Just the opposite happens with root rot, however. Due to excessive rain or overwatering by well-intentioned humans, the roots of a plant can get saturated (over-hydrated) with water to the point where they are no longer able to "breathe" properly and they die off, leaving the top of the plant without support or sustenance. On the surface it looks like sudden death: one day the plant seems fine, the next it's a goner.

"Root rot" due to excess [water] consumption kills quickly. So if you are a zucchini plant, take notice!

Now...aren't you glad we're talking about zucchini and not about the economy? After all, people don't have "roots," do they?

Or DO they?


Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Just for Preppers! The Dewalt Nail Gun

The new DeWalt nail gun -- just for preppers!

This is a prepper's dream. It can drive a 6-D nail thru a two-by-four at 200 yards! Get the details HERE.

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

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