Monday, June 7, 2010

Elephant? What Elephant?

BP Oil Spill

"When there’s an elephant in
the room, introduce him."

Randy Pausch (1960-2008)
American Author and Lecturer

We've saved the best for last today, so be sure to read this issue all the way to the bottom. And don't cheat!

This Week's Sponsor:

June Special from Freeze Dry Guy

Freeze Dried Foods, Heirloom Seeds, Dehydrated Foods A full month of rewards!

10% back in "Survival Bucks" on any purchase, plus FREE SHIPPING!

  • All Freeze Dried Foods
  • All Dehydrated Foods
  • All Heirloom Seeds
  • Preparedness Items
  • Instant Savings on any of the FDG Clubs: up to $100 back!!
Get the details here.

Hurry! Offer ends June 30, 2010.

The Prepper Shaker: When the Elephant Knocks at Your Door

Disasters of all kinds, including the unfolding catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, can and do have the potential to forcibly evict millions of people from their homes. Americans are told that they should have on hand at least 72 hours worth of preparedness supplies. While that doesn’t guarantee your survival in an emergency, it’s better to have resources available to grab and go than to find yourself asking where your next meal is going to come from or where you can get drinking water when the elephant comes knocking at your door.

How do you put together a 72-hour (or longer) emergency kit on a budget? BlindSquirl, a new contributor to Doctor Prepper's Journal, shares what has worked for him, with focus on affordability and function.

Download: 72-Hour (or Longer) Emergency Kit on a Budget

From the Funny Farm: How to Meet God

Prayer is the best way to meet the Lord. Trespassing is faster!

Prep Talk: Got Your Ears On?

A Native American and his friend were in downtown New York City, walking near Times Square. It was during the noon lunch hour, and the streets were filled with people.

Cars were honking their horns, taxicabs were squealing around corners, sirens were wailing, and the sounds of the city were almost deafening. Suddenly, the Native American said, "I hear a cricket."

His friend said, "What? You must be crazy. You couldn't possibly hear a cricket in all of this noise!"

"No, I'm sure of it," the Native American said, "I heard a cricket."

"That's crazy," said the friend.

The Native American listened carefully for a moment. Then he walked across the street to a big cement planter where some shrubs were growing. He looked beneath the branches, and sure enough, he located a small cricket. His friend was utterly amazed.

"That's incredible," said his friend. "You must have super-human ears!"

"No," said the Native American. "My ears are no different from yours. It all depends on what you're listening for."

"But that can't be!" said the friend. "I could never hear a cricket in this noise."

"Yes, it's true," came the reply."It depends on what is really important to you. Here, let me show you."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few coins, discreetly dropping them on the sidewalk. And then, with the noise of the crowded street still blaring in their ears, every head within twenty feet turned and looked to see if the money that clinked on the pavement was theirs.

"See what I mean?" asked the Native American.
"It all depends on what's important to you."

- Author Unknown

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Bee-Prepared!

A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew in his window.

The bee said, "What seems to be the problem?"

"I'm out of gas," the man replied.

The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.

"Try it now," said one bee.

The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up. "Wow!" the man exclaimed, "What did you put in my gas tank?"

The bee answered:

scroll down...

...Wait for it. Wait for it...

keep going...

...C'mon now--you're a prepper.
You can handle what's coming!...

just a litle more...

...You're just gonna love this...Rolling on the floor laughing so hard I cant stand it!

here it comes...

BP Logo Bee-Pee!

I see you smiling!!!

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: prepperupper @

Aqua Safe Straw - Portable Water Filter

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Gosh! Who Ordered Squash?

"It is not all bad, this getting old, ripening.
After the fruit has got its growth it should
juice up and mellow. God forbid I should
live long enough to ferment and rot and
fall to the ground in a squash."

Josh Billings (1818-1885)
American Humorist

This Week's Sponsor:

May Special from Freeze Dry Guy

Freeze Dried Foods, Heirloom Seeds, Dehydrated Foods 25% off all #10 cans!

25% back in "Survival Bucks" on any purchase!

It’s easy! Just make your purchase online at
or call 866-404-3663, and Freeze Dry Guy will send you 25% back in Survival Bucks to be used toward your next order.

New! Non-GMO heirloom seeds.Quantities limited. Order yours today! CLICK HERE.

Hurry! Offer ends May 31, 2010.

The Prepper Shaker: Getting Back to Basics

Concerned about the economy? I certainly am!

It's time to get back to the basics. Yes, you know that, but perhaps you just need a reminder...

The great football legend, Vince Lombardi, on the first day of training camp would gather his tough, burly, seasoned football pros in a meeting, hold up a football and say, “Gentleman, this is a football.”

Getting back to basics means addressing your needs and the needs of your family, and examining what you need to do to be prepared for even worse conditions that are surely coming in the near future. It means getting your mind off all the "doom and gloom" and focusing on taking positive ACTION:

  • Recognize Reality––It’s time for some serious, no-holds-barred analysis of where you are in your personal and family preparedness.
  • Listen To Your Inner Self––Find out where you are in need of preparedness and how you can resolve the situation.
  • Devise Realistic Plans––Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Set attainable goals. Be realistic in your planning––financial as well as your other plans. Then, be diligent and persistent to reach your realistic goals.
  • Realize that preparedness is normal––and laudable. Optimize your budget now to include extra provisions for your family.

During WWII the popular song, "Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative..." was the mantra of an embattled nation. That advice is just as relevant today when considering your choices of what to do with your limited resources.

There's no better time than RIGHT NOW to make preparedness for yourself and your family your first priority.

It's as simple as that!

--Doctor Prepper

From the Funny Farm: Redneck Motorcycle

Its a cow-a-sock-ee!

Prep Talk: The Dark Side of Zucchini Prosperity

Do you like zucchini? I do, especially when it's fried in olive oil or mixed in with in other yummie veggies in one of my favorite Italian dishes.

Anyone who has successfully grown zucchini will tell you that that healthy zucchini plants are extremely prolific. Once they start producing they can easily overwhelm you with their bounty. Yes indeed: zucchini prosperity is such sweet bliss...especially if you have lots of friends with which to share it!

Did you know, though, that zucchini is susceptible to a fatal disease that can topple a seemingly healthy plant in just one day? It's called "root rot."

We all know that zucchini plants, like people, can die of dehydration (not enough water) in just a few days. Drought is a known killer--a disease of prolonged insufficiency.

Just the opposite happens with root rot, however. Due to excessive rain or overwatering by well-intentioned humans, the roots of a plant can get saturated (over-hydrated) with water to the point where they are no longer able to "breathe" properly and they die off, leaving the top of the plant without support or sustenance. On the surface it looks like sudden death: one day the plant seems fine, the next it's a goner.

"Root rot" due to excess [water] consumption kills quickly. So if you are a zucchini plant, take notice!

Now...aren't you glad we're talking about zucchini and not about the economy? After all, people don't have "roots," do they?

Or DO they?


Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Just for Preppers! The Dewalt Nail Gun

The new DeWalt nail gun -- just for preppers!

This is a prepper's dream. It can drive a 6-D nail thru a two-by-four at 200 yards! Get the details HERE.

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: prepperupper @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fresh Spring, Preppers!

"Some people plant in the spring and
leave in the summer. If you've signed
up for a season, see it through!"
-- Jim Rohn

This Week's Sponsor:

April Special from Freeze Dry Guy

Mountain House Freeze Dried
108 Day Fruit Unit; $170

3 cans of Freeze Dried Strawberries = 48 ½ cup servings
3 cans of Freeze Dried Banana Slices = 60 ½ cup servings
(108 ½ cup servings = 3 ½ months of fruit)

  • 1 Case = $170.00 + Free Sparkie + Free Shipping
  • 2 Cases = $330.00 + Free Sparkie + Multi Case Discount + Free shipping

How to Order:
Call: 866-404-3663 or CLICK HERE to visit our webstore.

The Prepper Shaker: Simplify Your Life!

The essence of prepping is simplicity. If the doing of it seems too complicated, then you're doing it wrong! It's time to look at things from a new perspective.

How to Simplify Your Life

From the Funny Farm: Noah Kidding!!!

Q: Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?
A: Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation.

Q: The top story of the ark had windows to let light in, but how did Noah get light to the bottom two stories?
A: Wadda 'ya think? He used floodlights!

Q: Where did Noah keep the bees?
A: In the Ark-hives, of course.

Unfortunately, the woodpeckers got out!
No wonder Noah's ark was holey!

Prep Talk: Pull out all the stops!

  1. Make an extraordinarily good first impression so that people remember you in a positive way.
  2. Render extraordinary service. Go the extra mile. Do more than is asked. That alone will set you apart from the rest of the crowd.
  3. Be extraordinarily prompt. Arrive 15-20 minutes early for appointments and meetings. Answer your email and voicemail with extraordinary speed. Watch your prospects turn into extraordinarily loyal customers as a result.
  4. Show extraordinary courtesy. Good manners, soft speech and kind words are in all too short supply nowadays. Let everyone know you have more than enough to go around for all.
  5. Give extraordinary praise and thanks for all you receive. Be extraordinarily diligent in sending a personal "thank you" to each and every person who does you a good turn, no matter how small. Make an extraordinary donation to your church or favorite charity. Keep an attitude of gratitude about you and you'll find yourself working more "in the zone" where you function at extraordinary levels of energy to produce extraordinary results in extraordinarily short periods of time.

Practice these 5 things every day, every hour, every minute until they become a habit, and you'll be unstoppable!

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Be careful where you nap!

Dog sees man napping under a tree--hee hee

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: prepperupper @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 sickness or in health?

How important is health to a prepper?

"In health there is freedom.
Health is the first of all liberties."
-- Henri Frederic Amiel

This Week's Sponsor:

The Prepper Shaker: TV or not TV?

Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Yet, in its current state, TV produces more problems than blessings. What effect does TV really have on our physical and mental health, and why? This article by Chuck Gallozzi is a "must-read" for every prepper!

TV or not TV? That is the question...

From the Funny Farm: Go Figure!

Woman tells doctor -- I have metal fillings in my teeth and my refrigerator magnets keep pulling me into the kitchen -- Thats why I cant lose weight!

Prep Talk: Health or Wealth?

Are you in business for your health? If you aren't, maybe you should be.

Yeah, I know the old saying: "I'm not in business for my health. I need to make money."

What good is money, though, if you don't have the health to enjoy it?

How effective can you really be without good health? How much money can you really make?

In most cases what we call "lack of ambition" or "lack of motivation" stems directly from poor health. How many people will you contact; how many sales will you make today if you barely have enough ambition to get out of bed?

If the business or line of work you're in doesn't improve your health in some way (meaning your physical health, your mental health, your emotional health and/or your spiritual health), then maybe it's time for a change.

Simple, huh? It's a matter of putting first things first.

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Prep-Posal!

Man on knees with gas can asks prepper lady to marry him--oh its beautiful--YES! she says

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: prepperupper @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chicken In..or Going Whole-Hog?

How committed are you to prepping?
Are you just "chicken in" or going "whole-hog?"
In a bacon and eggs breakfast, the chicken is
involved, but the pig is totally committed!

This Week's Sponsor:

The Prepper Shaker: Spring Chickens!

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

That puzzle may never be solved but if you are thinking about raising chickens the brooder and the chicken coop should probably come before your chicks do!

I have raised many chickens from chicks and it is a very enjoyable hobby and a great way to become more self-reliant.

I have had white leghorns, wyandotes, buff orpingtons, and finally settled on rhode island reds because they handle our cold weather better.

Here is a chart to help you pick chickens that will work best for your location:

Main Chicken Breeds Chart

Here are some videos on building brooders and coops:

Table-Top Chicken Brooder: Fun and Easy!

My Chicken Coop

Chickens for Eggs on Small Homesteads

Build a Basic Low-Cost Chicken Coop

I use a round kiddie swimming pool for my brooder covered in some garden mesh and a red or blue bulb brood lamp.

Pine or aspen shavings are recommended but I just use newspaper and have never had a problem.

Chick crumbles (chick starter) and fresh water are all they need for two weeks then add some scratch.

I buy my chicks through the local feed store for $2 each but you can order chicks right through the mail.

They are available now most places so go get you a flock!

--LaMar Alexander

From the Funny Farm:
An Egg-Sighting Breakfast!

Egg on your face? Make it sunny side up!

Prep Talk: If You Marry a Fisherman, Beware!

If you marry a fisherman (or ~woman), beware: At some point you're gonna get "up close and personal" with some mighty strange critters.

Take nightcrawlers, for example...

For those of you non-fishin' folk, nightcrawlers are those big, fat, juicy earthworms used for fish bait. Here's a picture:

nightcrawler in the grass

Best time to catch 'em is at night just after a good soaking rain. You go out with a flashlight, a container with a lid, a pair of sharp eyes and some fast, nimble fingers to grab those critters and hang on when the light hits 'em so they can't escape back into their holes.

My adopted dad taught me how to catch nightcrawlers. Our favorite way of keeping them alive and fresh for the fish was to store them in the 'fridge in a plastic sour cream or cottage cheese container with a piece of moist burlap in the bottom for them to munch on. They'd stay good for 2-4 weeks that way.

In my first year at college I shared a dormitory apartment with 5 other women. One evening some guys came over and announced they were going fishing the next day. I offered to catch them some nightcrawlers in exchange for some of the fish. They agreed, and out I went. I caught a big bunch of nightcrawlers and put them in a container in the 'fridge just like my adopted dad and I used to do. Then it happened...

Valerie, one of my roommates, got home quite late. The rest of us were already in bed when she arrived. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a leftover baked potato from the 'fridge along with (what she thought was) a full container of sour cream. She warmed the potato in the microwave, picked up the container of "sour cream," lifted the lid and started to pour...

Then--you guessed it: she got "up close and personal" with my nightcrawlers! You wouldn't believe how she screamed...

The guys by came the next morning for (what was left of) the nightcrawlers and had a great day fishing. They brought us some really nice fish to eat, which all of us (even Valerie) enjoyed. But nightcrawlers were banned forever from our 'fridge.

So--what are YOU eating for supper tonight?
If you're married to a fisherman, beware!
Bon Appetit!

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Fowl Line

A farmer with lots of chickens posted the following sign:

"Free Chickens. Our Coop Runneth Over."

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: prepperupper @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weighing in on...preparedness!

What's holding YOU back from prepping?
So loaded down you think you'll drown?
Time to tip the scales in your favor!

This Week's Sponsor:

Free shipping on orders over $100 with Nitro Pak!

The Prepper Shaker: Survival Fitness

Prepping for the future without prepping your body is like buying the paddles without buying the canoe...Hello?

Whatever method you choose to improve your physical fitness will be an expression of you and your interests. You might be surprised at how beneficial and empowering this can actually be! Your survival fitness program could spill over into other areas of your life and improve your overall quality of living in general. Is it worth the risk? You bet! You'll feel better and be better prepared for what life throws your way. It's simply a matter of getting back to basics!

Read the rest here: Survival Fitness

From the Funny Farm: Widdle Wabbits

Doctor Preppers Widdle Wabbits

A precious little girl walks into a PetSmart shop and asks, in the sweetest little lisp, between two missing teeth:

"Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep widdle wabbits?"

As the shopkeeper's heart melts, he gets down on his knees so that he's on her level and asks:

"Do you want a widdle white wabbit, or a thoft and fuwwy, bwack wabbit, or maybe one like that cute widdle bwown wabbit over there?"

She, in turn, blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says, in a tiny quiet voice:

"Weally, I don't think my python gives a thit."

Prep Talk: "Rapid" Development!

Flippin in the Flathead

Do you like white water rafting? I do!

Take a large inflatable raft that holds 8-10 people, a skilled river guide to keep the raft moving on a safe course, a fast moving river with some challenging rapids, and scenery on both sides that takes your breath away ... and you have the recipe for an incredibly wonderful time, or for disaster.

What makes the difference? Preparation. This means that you:

  • Write down exactly where you're going and when you expect to arrive so that people know where to find you if you need help.
  • Have a clear plan of how you'll get there plus the right tools and equipment for the journey.
  • Understand and obey the rules of safe travel, wear your life jacket at all times and follow the instructions of your guide.
  • Carry along survival supplies and a first aid kit for emergencies.
  • Have the good sense to stay away from known hazards!

Doesn't this sound a lot like life? Let me tell you a story:

Several years ago on a white water rafting trip with some friends down the Flathead River in Montana, I experienced the unexpected.

We hit what is called a "hole": a short, steep drop-off caused by a large rock underneath the surface. A big hole not seen in time can easily flip a raft. That's exactly what happened.

One minute I was rockin' and rollin', having the time of my life. The next I was flailing in the Flathead in water the temperature of just-melted snow.

Did I have a moment of close communion with my Creator? You bet I did! It's hard to imagine until we're in situations like this just how powerless we really are against the forces of nature. I was, to say the least, extremely humbled by the experience. Fortunately, because of good preparation, neither I nor anyone else in the group suffered serious injury or loss of life in this mishap.

I remember oh so well the final words of instruction we received before starting our journey:

"In the very unlikely event that you and the raft should ever become separated, keep your feet pointed downstream so you can push off from the rocks, and go with the flow until you are rescued."

Sometimes "going with the flow" of life may mean running a few rapids on your backside. Are you prepared for the ride?

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Scuby-Doo-Too!

Doctor Prepper Loves Scuby-Doo Too!

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: prepperupper @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stinkin' thinkin'...or gardens of laughter?

A prepper's not a doom-and-gloomer.
Time to grow a sense of humor!

Ready for a laugh? This one will push your
funny button:

Click here to get a quick laugh!...and turn up your speakers!

This Week's Sponsor:

Free shipping on orders over $100 with Nitro Pak!

The Prepper Shaker:
A "Growing" Epidemic

Will you be one of the "vital few" or the "trivial many?". We've got an epidemic of our own we need to spread, and it has nothing to do with swine flu! Growing a sustainable family garden can and should become as common and important again as the family car. Why? Find out in this compelling and timely article by Master Gardener Jim Kennard: A "Growing" Epidemic

From the Funny Farm: Tater Tots

When it comes to prepping,
some people are like potatoes:

  • Some watch while others do the work. They're the Speck-Taters.

  • Some talk about what others are doing. They're the Common-Taters.

  • Some cause problems and get under your skin. They're the Aggie-Taters.

  • Some make plans and never do anything. They're the Hessie-Taters.

  • Some sit for hours and stare at their food storage. They're the Medi-Taters.

  • And some steal other's work and call it their own. They're the Imi-Taters.

  • Fortunately, some people really DO get prepared, and do everything they can to help others do the same. They're the Facili-Taters.

So what kind of 'Tater' are you?
Now there's some food for 'Tot."  Smiling with a Wink!

Prep Talk: Weed 'Em and Reap!

I love this little piece by Bruno Gideon:


Even the most casual of gardeners knows that weeds, if unpicked, will eventually destroy a beautiful garden.

It’s the same with our thoughts. If we don’t weed out the negative ones, they will choke whatever is beautiful in our lives and trap us in a bitterness from which there is almost no escape.

"Give weeds an inch and they’ll take your yard."
-- Anonymous

"And so it criticized each flower,
This supercilious seed;
Until it woke one summer hour,
And found itself a weed."
–- Mildred Howells

The trick is to be like a good gardener and weed out negative thoughts before they take control of our health and our charisma.

Be on the watch for them each and every day. As soon as you detect one, ask yourself, “Is it really worth letting this take over my life?” and get rid of it as soon as you can.

Is a negative thought threatening your garden right now? Pull it out!

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Messages From God

Billboard with messages from God

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

* * * * *

If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: ready2prepare @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stressed with the rest...or at your best?

When the you-know-what hits a rotating nut, will
you be stressed with the rest, or at your best?

If you're a prepper, you're already one step
ahead of the rest. Why stress, when all you
have to do to outrun the bear is stay one step
ahead of the slowest camper?

This Week's Sponsor:

The Prepper Shaker:
Keep It Super Simple!

If you are overwhelmed by the magnitude of what it would take to sustain you for a year, then think more in terms of what it would take to keep you alive for a few days, weeks, or months in case you didn't have anything else to eat except what's on hand.

There are only three things to remember about building your in-home storage program with the Basic concept:

  1. Store what you eat!
  2. Eat what you store!
  3. Use it or lose it!

The biggest challenge in procuring an in-home storage supply is financing its acquisition. Creative use of current household items, wise budgeting in accordance with the family's income, and smarter shopping will help maximize your ability to accomplish your goal. But until the in-home storage program is established as a primary financial priority--after planning the repayment of current debt, of course--it will not become a reality.

You don't have to do it all at once; just tell yourself, "I just have to begin, and then I can continue from there."

It's as simple as that!

James Talmage Stevens, Making the Best of Basics, 11th Edition, 2009, Chapter 8-2

From the Funny Farm: Dolphin Stress Test

Please stop, take a deep breath, and look at the picture below of two identical dolphins jumping in tandem out of the water.

Intensive psychological research has shown that the more differences you spot in the two dolphins, the more stressed you are. Extreme stress affects your ability to concentrate and see things clearly.

Be assured that the two dolphins are completely similar. If you can spot any sort of difference without looking too hard, you are definitely stressed and should pack up work and go home immediately.


Prep Talk: Taking Care of Y-O-U

Did you remember to take care of Y-O-U today?

Y-O-U (Your Own Upkeep) can't be neglected just because there are other (seemingly) more important things to do.

If you neglect Y-O-U, then you'll be doing the same as M-E right now (Mending Everything)!

The body, the mind, the spirit, and our relationships all need regular upkeep to stay in good condition.

Imagine for a moment that you (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) are like a typical American home with a kitchen, living room, dining room, den, bedrooms, one or more bathrooms, and a yard.

In this imaginary home the kitchen, bedroom(s) and bathroom(s) take care of you physically. The den takes care of feeding your mind and entertaining your brain. In the living room you cultivate relationships; and in the dining room you feast upon spiritual things.

Which rooms in your imaginary home get the most use? Which ones are gathering dust? Which rooms get cleaned most often? Least often? Why?

Is the dining room any less important than the kitchen? The kitchen lets you prepare and eat quick meals on the run but the dining room lets you serve others and enjoy what you're eating on a much deeper level.

How about the living room? Is yours just for show or do family, friends and guests gather here frequently to discuss and do things together that really matter? Your living room is a place to live. Are you using it to its full potential?

What goes on in the den? Is it a place of learning or mindless entertainment? Do the kids have educational toys to play with? Does the library include good books, audio tapes, videos and dvds that stretch the mind and inspire you to improve? Do the music you listen to, the pictures on the walls, and the knick-knacks on the shelves stimulate greater, nobler, richer thinking or keep you mentally in the slums?

And then there's the yard. Are you letting the grass grow under your feet? Time to get moving!

Without regular upkeep a house quickly falls into disrepair. Without regular upkeep a life, too, quickly fall into disrepair. Health starts to fail. Minds turn to decadence and decay. Relationships break apart with tragic results. Spiritual neglect leads to despair, depression, addiction, even suicide.

It's a lot easier and less costly to take care of Y-O-U (your own upkeep) in at least some small way every day than it is to stop and take care of M-E (mending everything) when things start to fall apart.

You can pay Y-O-U now or you can pay M-E later. The choice is yours.

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Now That's Respect!

A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course. One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer.

His friend says, "Wow," that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man." The man then replies, "Yeah, well we were married 35 years."

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

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If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: ready2prepare @

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tomorrow has come...

A classic old song says, "tomorrow
never comes." Well, tomorrow HAS
come. Are you ready for it?

A foolish old uncle named Sam
got himself in one heck of a jam;
borrowed all he could get
to spend his way out of debt,
and now Uncle Sam's on the lam.

This Week's Sponsor:

Basics is back! All-new 11th edition plus free DVD!

The Prepper Shaker: Got Plastic?

In 2004, motivational speaker and author Joe Tye presented some sobering facts about America's addiction to credit and its consequences for the next generation. But take heart! There IS a way out, and it starts right where you live. Go here to get your "prep pill."

From the Funny Farm:
School 1958 vs. School Today

Scenario #1: Johnny goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack.

  • 1958: Vice principal comes over, looks at Johnny's shotgun, goes to his car, and gets his own shotgun to show Johnny.
  • Today: School goes into lockdown, the FBI is called, Johnny is hauled off to jail, and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors are called in to assist traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario #2: Johnny gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

  • 1958: Johnny shares aspirin with the school principal out on the smoking dock.
  • Today: Police are called and Johnny is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario #3: Johnny takes apart leftover Independence Day firecrackers, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, and blows up an anthill.

  • 1958: Ants die.
  • Today: Homeland Security and the FBI are called and Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. Teams investigate parents, siblings are removed from the home, computers are confiscated, and Johnny's dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Prep Talk: Initiative or Excuses?

Do you know what crucial quality distinguishes a go-getter with lots of initiative from a couch potato with lots of excuses?

HINT: It's a five letter word which causes Fearless Action Instigated Through Hope.

That's right: FAITH is where true initiative comes from. It doesn't matter which church you go to, or whether you go to church at all. It's something anyone can develop with practice.

And faith works just as effectively for growing your food storage as it does for growing corn, growing a family, or growing closer to God.

Faith, therefore, is a "working" word ... not a "sitting around" word. Something to think about...

Best Regards,
Sharon Iezzi
Your Hoppy-Go-Lucky Editor

Parting Shot: Secret African
Weight Loss Formula

Keep on...preppin'! Thumbs Up!

* * * * *

The Prepper-Upper is published weekly
James Talmage Stevens, Publisher
Author of
Making the Best of Basics:
the all-new and updated 11th edition

Editor: Sharon Iezzi

Subscribe to The Prepper-Upper by Email

More free info at

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If you find this information valuable, please pass it on to a friend. Your comments are always welcome!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You may NOT copy and distribute any portion of this blog for commercial purposes without written permission. Mail requests to: ready2prepare @

Visit Native Remedies for 100% Safe, Effective Natural Remedies